Who We Are
The Visionaries Behind Active Gold Holding PLC
AngloGold Ashanti is proactive and transparent in minimising current and future climate risks. We work to strengthen the climate resilience of our business and our value chain partners, our host communities and the environment in which we operate.
Our Climate Change Strategy aims to deliver measurable progress, focus our actions, and demonstrate our commitment to proactive, holistic, sustained and transparent action on climate change. To achieve this, our Climate Change Strategy adheres to five key Principles:
Seeking to ensure that our core values are upheld through actions arising from the Climate Change Strategy
Maintaining external commitments where we are a signatory, including the ICMM’s Mining Principles, the ICMM’s Position Statement, the WGC’s Responsible Gold Mining Principles and the UNGC
Taking a holistic, long-term, life-of-mine and systemic approach to managing climate risks that includes aspects beyond the fence line, supply chains, communities and ecosystems
Using the latest science-based data, information and knowledge to support decision-making
Disclosing in line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). View our Sustainability Report 2023: Climate action and resilience and ESG Data Workbook.